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I was talking with kiahh yesterday, having usual OTP feels and somehow somewhere we mentioned Adam, Clover’s brother and then Kiahh KIND OF MENTIONED HER OC ADAM AND HOW HE NEEDS A PARTNER AND WELL :iconpapmingplz:

But anyway, here are Adam and Cyprian, Kochanek brothers,  Adam is Clover’s little brother (he’s 21 now, Cy is emm 27 in April?Iguess”“) (also, younger but taller LOL) he lives in London, too and studies there (something math and physics related), he is also a vocal in some really nishe rock band no one ever heard about, kind of “playing in the garage and as a support if they’re really lucky” thing LOL BUT THEY’RE HAVING FUN AND ENJOY IT A LOT, THAT’S ALL WHAT MATTERS!SOB (I think they are not so bad, they’re just kind of lazy with getting out there).

Adam is more reckless and chilled than his older brother, though he also has this outspoken and snappy way of being, he’s witty and used to speak out his mind and talk rather lot (especially when nervous). He isn’t so unapproachable as Cy, he’s more social, likes to go out and have fun. He gets a scholarship money (he’s really good in all this math stuff) and used to get short term part time jobs, but as fast as he gets the money, he spends it on stupid things and quite often ends up borrowing money from CyLOL

I think his relation with Cy is really good, they used to say nasty things and have fun of each other as most of siblings do, but in real Cy is kind of protective about his little brother and Adam thinks his older brother is overreacting much and he should chill out sometimes, but he appreciate his care.

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